Remove one question from above and add in your personal question.
Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people.
List them out at the end of the post.
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
[1].What's your ambition? superBladyangbeshangak!
[2]. Who is more important to you? friend or boy/girlfriend? friendSTAR!
[3]. How often do you
think of committing suicide? -
[4]. Do you think you have enough confidence? certain things. yang pasti sgt tak berani bile berdepan dgn org. tanye je pada 'mereka'. :/
[5]. How many babies you want? 2 and 3 and 4 and more!! :) *wishwish*
[6]. Favorite perfume/fragrance? currently: pinkycharlie + 'meonbubblegummy'
[7]. What is your goal for this year? manage hidop dengan lebih baek!:)
[8]. Do you believe in eternity love? yes i do!
[9]. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to u? (List 10)
-love me for who i am
BERIMAN-veryvery supportive
-tidak serious
-tahu tuk melakukan perkara yang patut di tempat dan masa yang sepatutnya.:)
-CH! *psst: mr.perfectto saya manusia biasa juga. :))*
[10].What feeling do you love most? to love and to be loved! soke amat!
[11]. What is your bad habit? membebel. XD. oho. [saya rindu saat membebel semalam. mishmish]
[12]. Is there anything you wanna tell the people who hates you? thank you and i love you!
[13]. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? cube tanye mereka..hee
[14]. What does flying means to you? terbangFREElyterbang! sonotnye~
[15]. What do you crave for the most currently? kentang goreng yang besar2 tuh! ouh sangat antu dr smlm, dr kat molek lagi. grr~
[16]. What’s currently in your mind? ending of house hunting... and its all about 29th nov. hmm
[17]. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words. *seorang adik rakan dan rakan adek saya*
[18]. What would you really like to do, like right now? nak masok dalam laci doraemon dan pegi ke saat semalam. :)
[19]. What will u become in another 10 years to come? refer to #1!:)
[20]. Who do you hate the most? -
2. mysterious lady
3. yazrina
4. aizat
5. johnnyichi
6. misae
7. abang-syafiq
8. YOU!